Go to Bed Regularly at Night is Healthy

Those who get regular bedtime are more likely to be healthier and more successful than those who are irregular in bed. According to a new study. While increasing research focuses on the amount of time we sleep, scientists at Brigham and Women's Hospital have found that sleep habits are also important.
The team measured the body sleep and clock of 61 students at Harvard College for 30 days using daily sleep logs, then comparing this data with the results of their study. Surprisingly, students who go to bed and wake up are less likely to experience lower levels of study than their friends who are overweight.
This study is the first to study the effect of sleep habits. It has shown that bad habits of habits prevent your body from delivering hormones accurately in time to make you feel drowsy and awake, thereby affecting your body's watch.
Our results suggest that bedding and waking at the same time every day are important in the amount of sleep you are.
According to Dr. Andrew J.K. Phillips, a sleep biologist and sleep-related physiology at the Brigham and Women Hospital, and the study's lead author, said. In general, regular students who have a good night's sleep have a good outcome in their lives.
go to bed regularly at night is healthy
go to bed regularly at night is healthy
Go to Bed Regularly at Night is Healthy Go to Bed Regularly at Night is Healthy Reviewed by 4UP-REASONS on July 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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