The Ten Benefits of Sexual Activities has been Found to Have Many Health Benefits

Sex, besides giving pleasure, is also beneficial to human health. Here are the ten benefits of sexual activities actually:
1. Reduce Stress and Improve Your Blood Pressure
The majority of people are relieved because they have sex campaigns. According to a study, people's blood pressure will decrease during sexual intercourse in their daily lives.
2. Sex Strengthens the Immune System
Sex, once or twice a week, can make the immune system strong enough to help protect us from diseases such as influenza and infections.
The University of Wisconsin's study of 112 university students said that intercourse once or twice a week had IgA-antibodies against more advanced diseases than those who did not have sex.
3. Sex Burns Calories
A 30-minute marriage can burn at least 85 calories in the body. "Sex is a great role model," said Philippe Bridton, an expert in sex education from Los Angeles. It has made the organs and mental health of people function well. "
4. Sex is Good for Heart Health
According to a 19-year study by British researchers, people who have twice as many or more sexual activity a week have a lower risk of heart disease than a person once per week. Month.
5. Sex Makes You Feel Good
A team of psychologists at the University of Texas found that among 237 people who wanted to have sex also included emotional emotional upheavals as a reason. Successful sex also gives people confidence and self-esteem.
6. Tighten Intimate ties
Sex and sexual intercourse have been linked to hormone Oxytocin, a hormone that creates love and helps people build confidence. When the levels of Oxytocin are high, the level of love and intimacy of the person expresses their sexual desire.
7. Sex Can Help Relieve Pain
By the hormone Oxytocin, it can also help relieve some of the pain, as it is known as endothelial. It can relieve the pain of a number of illnesses, such as headache, rheumatoid arthritis or other complications after sex.
8. Eating Multiple Times Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
According to the American Journal of the American Medical Association, men who have ejaculated more than 21 times a month may have a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculate. 4 to 7 times a month.
9. Sex Improves Vaginal Muscles
Exercise by tooth brushing and relaxing the muscles at the vaginal wall is a good activity that improves sexual function. Women can also eliminate unintentional bladder attacks by tightening the muscles on the vaginal area.
10. Sex Improves Sleep
The hormone Oxytocin released while working up your paradise is also good for your satisfactory sleep. After sex activity has reached the hormone Oxytocin helps your health to function well. Satisfactory sleep after sex shows that it helps maintain balance in weight and makes blood pressure walk easier.
The Ten Benefits of Sexual Activities has been Found to Have Many Health Benefits
The Ten Benefits of Sexual Activities has been Found to Have Many Health Benefits
The Ten Benefits of Sexual Activities has been Found to Have Many Health Benefits The Ten Benefits of Sexual Activities has been Found to Have Many Health Benefits Reviewed by 4UP-REASONS on July 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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